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Why am I doing this?

This entire blog is dedicated to my love. Over the years I have wronged and betrayed the one that this blog is dedicated to, it is written to show the love and passion I have and if in the process that message gets across and believed then I will have done something I have failed to do on so many occasions. This is a journey from where we have been going through the good and bad times but always with one goal in mind and that is to show the love and passion I hold. This blog is to document everything I do for you from now on in an effort to take away my betrayals and prove to you that I can love, that I have it in me to give you what you desire most, a man who you can trust and believe in, to give you a man who will protect you and love you till our dying breaths.

Before I begin, I have two things to say:

1 - Im sorry for all the pain I have ever caused, that during our time together because of my actions and inaction, it has left you with the feeling that you are alone, that I have left you alone in the relationship and that you have no fight left to save us.

2 - I love you with everything I have and it is now my job to save us.

Love finds you in the strangest places, when you are not looking for it. The first day I saw you I knew I had to know you, a simple smile and I had to talk to you. You made it impossible for me to think about anything else. That day, that smile changed my life forever.

I start this journey by taking you back to where we began and one of the very first songs we ever listened to together. When I listen to this I remember sitting on your sofa holding hands and eating mini-eggs with pomegranate seeds in them! This one is for you x.

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